The online store for the Rosary Center and Confraternity.
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En medio de la crisis, la confusión y un mundo en guerra contra la Iglesia, ya es hora de volver a casa con nuestro padre espiritual, San José. En este programa de consagración a San José, profundamente investigado y cariñosamente presentado, el p. Donald Calloway, MIC, da vida a las maravillas, el poder y el amor incesante de San José, Patrono de la Iglesia Universal y el Terror de los Demonios.
"La devoción a San José es una de las gracias más selectas que Dios puede dar a un alma, pues es equivalente a revelar todo el tesoro de las gracias de nuestro Señor. Cuando Dios quiere elevar un alma a mayores alturas, la une a San José dándole un fuerte amor por el buen santo". - San Pedro Julián Eymard
We know you can choose from many online bookstores, and we thank you for considering us! We take pride in running a bare-bones and lean operation, using any monies we might make toward spreading the Gospel, promoting prayer, supplying the missions, and supporting our retired Dominican friars and student brothers (seminarians) -- our future priests and promoters of the Rosary.
It has become a great blessing in my daily prayer life. I'm am eternally grateful for everything they are doing.
Fr. Dismas Sayre, OP
We are the Rosary Center and Confraternity for the Dominican Order, Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus (Western USA). Our goal is to promote the Faith, and encourage prayer, especially Our Lady's Rosary, heeding Our Lady's call to pray the Rosary for the world.
Our newsletter reaches souls throughout the world, in prisons, and in places where the Faith is prohibited or severely restricted. You may sign up for our Newsletter or even Join the Confraternity at our main website, www.rosarycenter.org.