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In the struggle to find the touchstone between faith and reason, modern psychology is often a very problematic area for Catholics. Why? Because post-Freudian psychology is based on a mistaken idea that moral laws lead to neurosis. It argues that we must be freed from morality in order to become psychologically whole.
In this powerful and reassuring book, Fr. Brian Mullady examines the nature of a healthy Christian emotional life, and ultimately provides the Catholic answer to the problematic theories of Sigmund Freud.
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It has become a great blessing in my daily prayer life. I'm am eternally grateful for everything they are doing.
Fr. Dismas Sayre, OP
We are the Rosary Center and Confraternity for the Dominican Order, Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus (Western USA). Our goal is to promote the Faith, and encourage prayer, especially Our Lady's Rosary, heeding Our Lady's call to pray the Rosary for the world.
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